Mark your calendar!!
Here's people's birthday from closest and on:
samismyfriend- August 2nd
Keiira_X- August 8th
Sup_Peeps_101- August 9th
Mine- August 12
Hannah..xx- August 18th
Hailstormx3- August 19th
kiki_rulz123- August 25th
xxSjBbixx- August 28th
Hollister-230- September 10th
mizz_shez1995- October 16th
NeonDisaster.- December 2nd
candy_lips119- December 21st
randomperson101- January 2nd
Bee...- January 6th
eyelinercouture- January 6th
Wonka_Chocolate- January 11th
asyst- February 2nd
_superstar_13- February 3rd
MissKaylee90210- February 22nd
laydee-sour- March 11
nicole....x- April 4th
Drew.- April 6th
Lonna28- April 28th
FizzleHizzle- May 3rd
321nicole878- May 29th
Nikkiz12- May 30th
x..lily..x- June 14th
cheerleader2648- June 25th
.The.Ragdoll.- June 27th
JackBarakat.ily- July 4th
if your date is wrong, or you know somebody else's birthday, or your date isnt on here, please comment or write it in the cbox. thank you hailstorm for the topic :]