Monday, June 29, 2009
so im back
i am so effing bored out of my skull
but i met a cute guy!
and im emailing him now
so wish me luck..
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Last but not least
So, here's the thing, i'm leaving for vacation.
1-28, baybay!
Going to Arizona, and then California.
SO LONG, farewell a weeeeederzehn GOOODBYE
major movie weekend blowout bash where maddie sat on her big booty
Saddest movie, even sadder then Marley and Me. But it was so beautifully made. A really great movie. Abigail was awesome, and so was the girl with cancer. Just incredibly believable. And it was rated PG-13 for a reason. A very sad reason. Go see it, please. But be prepared to bawl.
i looooove you!
Hope it was fiesty and flamboyant, just like yourself!
I shall think of you all day!!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
I'm sure you all know that in the starplaza (Tingeling) you can get the free water dress:
Well apperently there was a competition to make a water dress (Who knew??)
So I was thinking, 'Who made it?'
And I found my answer:
That poor girl!
If she wanted to sell her dress, she couldn't because everyone could have it for $0.
And anyone who bought it before it was on sale, was sesriously ripped off:
It cost her $12 so she would sell it for $15 (Lets say) So the poor person who bought it.....
Also stardoll gave her no credit:
They could have sold it as: 'Water by Rose.Princess' couldn't they?
But go and visit her, she has lots of other dresses too
P-p-pick up a penguin
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Party 6/19/09 180,000 members party
Last night, at 5-30 (because i was fashionably late...) we started the party.
Complete with alcoholic cake, marriages, tattoos, innocent capri suns, not so innocent margaritas, and an ending game of hide-and-go seek, IT WAS AWESOME!!
Thanks to all who attended, it really means a lot. :]
You are probably thinking 'Has Yazmin gone insane?'
Well I'm yes-ing about this:
My drama school is doing TWILIGHT!! yes TWILIGHT!! for our showcase
I got a call back for Bella!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me and five other people are doing another audition on Saturday and we'll find out who we play at about 1pm!!
I'm so excited!! :]
So after that very excited post....
More on stardoll,
Um, well we got new hairs, noses and lips (Will post a pic later)
So, I'll tell you who I got:
I'll probably end up with Alice or Rosalie.
Yazmin~Signing off :]
Friday, June 19, 2009
Best/Worst Dressed List
It wouldn't have been such a huge hit without your help :]
If you missed it, no worries, there shall be another one in August.
AND NOW, down to business:

Sara, you never cease to surprise me. I can tell that you put a lot of effort into this fantastic outfit. It suits the event perfecto. This outfit makes for the PERFECT grand entrance. And i did enjoy the cake you brought >:]

I absolutely ADORE that shirt. You found a way to express what you like without blending in. The converse were a beautiful thing to choose to complete the outfit. High fives all around.

Creative, beautiful, bright. This outfit is -taps nose- exactly what i was looking for. I LUV it from the kitty ears all the way down to the purple pumps.

Oh my gosh. Sami, this is genius. The hair? I'm a sucker for the horse tails. And that skeleton? I saw it in the shop, but had no idea how to wear it. You can either epically fail or pull it off, and babe, off you pulled it!

The skirt is awesomely put together with the black top. And i must tell you, i hate those tights on whoever wears them. Except for you, in this outfit. You just worked it, from the hot accessories to the supertastic medoll.
Okay, so first off, showing up in the same outfit. . . not good x] For me, it was just tooooo blue and frilly and sort of expected. You girls are really both so sweet, but tonight it was not happening.

This really does nothing for me. I see the effort, but it just wasn't pulled together. Messy, sort of. I, personally would take the vest and tattoo sleeve off, and maybe have a bright yellow or blue dress instead. Kudos on the pretty medolly, though.

Ok, so i mentioned earlier that i do NOT like these tights/leggings on a lot of people. This outfit is a perfect example. The pattern on the shirt meeting with the tights makes you look bigger all around. Also, this was definatly not dressy enough.

Tuh-raaaain WRECK. It just has an all over rushed look. Sort of cheap, sort of 'notice me.' The 2 different pinks in the tights and the legwarmers do NOT go. And then the shoes are pink... again. I would advise throwing those legwarmers out the window, along with the purse and shoes. Go steal Kari's shoes, they would top this off.

Woooow. I have a feeling you forgot. But, oh well, i show no mercy >:]
Ok, so your eyes look a little spacey, and those shorts are a weee bit short to go out. The bunny slippers? Not to practical for the club, eh? x] sorry, i just HAD to do this one.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Shirt shizz
i am excited
p.s.- the oc party.... please tell people. or at least go
p.p.s.- the chatbox... that little blue thing, ITS LONELY!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Headfirst slide into the OC on a bad bet
so, i was thinking last night about having a party in the OC.
i think its long overdue :3
so, i've decided to make a beautimus postie about it :]
It even has its own invitation
the OC House Party
Theme: 180,000 members of OC celebration
Who: Members of OC, please advertise this well
What to wear: Bright colors. Dressy, sort of.
I shall be advertising this in the OC, and would appreciate it if you would too
If you've never been to a stardoll party (fever_cole, perezstargossip) then i shall tell you how it works.
You dress your dolly up, then you sign the topic (which i will make named 'Party') to nominate your outfit. Afterwords, i can take a screenshot of the best/worst dressed and post them on here. Then you can talk it up in the OC. This party shizz is just trying to get a lot of people on at the same time, and dress up.
if you dont get it, just comment :]
UPDATE: Here is something like what i shall be wearing

Monday, June 15, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Migranes and burri-toes
so, today I:
went to sunday school. weeee. i put up with my best friend for life ignoring me :/
went out to Izzo's to eat me a chicken burrito. discovered i am wierdly quiet....
painted my nails in a neon french manicure :3.
and now, i have a migrane... i think the polish fumes are going to mah head.
OH! and just for your knowledge,
apperently aaroncole has returned
teehee >:]
I haven't written in a while :[
Nothing much has happened on stardoll so I shall inform you on 11 points of my excruciatingly boring life:
1) I've got lots of homework and I can't be bothered to do it.
2) It's sunny outside and I'm sitting here in my red doc maritns (<33)
3) I'm watching that "Poo at Pauls" advert. (That boy must get bullied like hell!)
4) My friend has started writing like this: H3LL00'' i iSh''' B0ReD!! wh@t Y0UUUUhH'''' D0INg?'' (Annoys me like hell)
5) I've just recorded an episode of Supernanny (I'm so cool xD )
6) I got hit in the head by a cricket ball :[ (Owchies!)
7) All my friends are out today so I've got no one to talk to :[
8) I don't know what to do with my medoll :[ (Edits anyone??)
9) I'm thinking about getting my hair cut....
10) I'm tired :[ (DVD marathons and early morning activites do not mix)
11) My doggie has rolled in something smelly :[
Your challenge for the day is to.........
Hug at least 5 people today :]
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Maybe, Just Maybe...
Another thing, I have a mosquito bite. It's really itchy... I thought they made After-Bite for a reason. Gah!
Friday, June 12, 2009
'Lol' ...
That was all I have :]
~ Steffy :]
and i have 3 parties in a row to go to...
im on a sugar high from the last party!!
i also think we sucked a little to much helium...
*jumps up and down*
sugar sugar sugar sugar
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I'm feeling quite hyper right now.
I actually don't know how I am feeling.
I just spent 2 and a half hours reading a VERY good story in Animal-Lovers (It's called Deadly Hoax, I highly recommend it)
and I have a massive headache.
Yet I am managing listening to my ipod on the loudest volume possible,
eating penne pasta with vodka sauce,
and bouncing up and down.
I don't understand myself :3
Be expecting a lot more of me :D
No school for two months = Friday night softball games, tennis Monday and Friday, and a LOT of stardoll to cure the boredome [:
Be veeeeeery afraid.
Stardoll on Twitter??
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Well, I'm Feeling Poetic.
I can't lie;
But my heart has fallen right to my feet
I have to lie;
Saying that my heart has bounced back into its beat
I won't lie;
My mouth will try and stay discreet
But isnide of my mind,
This is all a lie.
Hehe, I feel boy-crazy ^^'
Okay none of you know who that idiot is but I just needed to tell you what a jerk he is.
Well he said to me that he liked me and I liked him back. I said "Yep, I do like you"
So that was fine for like 6 weeks, then I hear from Omar that he never really liked me.
I didn't see him for two weeks and I was just visiting his msn profile and guess what?
His messenger picture is of him and this other girl at some consert:
And she is kissing him!!! >:[
I send him an e-mail witch basically says "Who the hell was that other girl??"
He replies "Oh, she's just a friend"
And I was like "Oh, so you just go around kissing your friends then??"
I was like so mad!!
Then just like 5mins ago he logged into msn.
I said "Hey >:["
And he said "Sorry I don't speak to bxxxches"
And I was like go die ¬.¬
Oh and BTW this was written by one of Yazmin's friends :]
He puts the BUSTER in Madbuster!!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
hehe, it uploaded x]
New banner [;
It's...pretty interesting.
Gahh, I'll post again when it decides to upload [:
Oliva >:[
Monday, June 8, 2009
It's awesome to be able to write fo' dah blogity :]
Thanks Maddie!
Anywho, on with the business.
Well, A-L is constantly attackin OriginalClub for their pleasure.
FINALLY, today, they gave up and I learned that most of 'em are actually nice people :]
Meh, changine subjects:
That's my opinion...just blaaa.
Signing off, folks,
Sara :]
Maybe when I work up enough energy I'll make a spiffy banner! :D
I have more!
Uhhh...Well, I'll write about meez.
- I don't sing >:]
- I have an obssession w/ George Lopez xD
- I don't know what else to write...
Figuring out myself
and i was just wondering.....
what qualifies you as a poser?
I may not look how i 'act' or feel inside, (although i do try my hardest) but just because i dont have a certain look, does that make me a poser? (i dont wear the label-y brands, i wear what i feel like)
People always say how they hate posers and fakes, but just because i dont have 'the look'....
i'm not fake, right?
i like what i like, and i have always been truthful about that
A Few Notes For You All...
-It shouldn't have snowed the other day. It's june for merdes sakes.
-I love the Harry Potter books. There's no questioning it. My obsession with these books are bigger than my PATD one was.... sadly.
-I'll sound nerdy if I say this, but i'll risk it: i'm seeing a chickflick on my birthday. No friends. Just my mum, me, and my sister. Possibly one or two of my friends... but most of them play hard core sports... I can't imagine them watching a chick flick.... and i'll cry too.
- I watched the movie Uo=p. I cried... hard.
-I am a witch. I'm not allowed to be a wizard. I'm a girl.
~Steffy :)
First post by Lydia
i thank maddie for letting me be a part of this blog
Where was everyone this morning?
OC was like...dead
i havent seen the fake celebs yet,
but i have seen the scary micheal jacksons..*shudder*
im ticked
the ONE DAY i actually want my evil russian skating coach to be there, he isnt.
he told me that i would never land my loop
the next day, i did
so i get to go all "tee he he he he!!!" on him
he scares me...
hope you enjoy my post!
Team Edward!!!

Team Edward....... SCISSORHANDS
how i love johnny depp.
the oc is getting invaded
merdey ALers!
first 'W's, then grannies, now fake celebrities!!!
BLARG, i tell you, BLARG
- Raybans
- patrick stump <3
- bike riding
My story :D
Hey this is the first bit of my story, I wont be posting any more of it. I just want your oppinions, because I might enter it in a competition.....
So here goes!!! (BTW the first bit is like a blurb thingie)
‘Blood. The cold metallic smell hit Lexi’s nose…’
Ever since Lexi was found aged six lying unharmed in a pool of blood, the mere smell of blood makes Lexi do things. Crazy things, wild things, Insane things.
As Lexi unravels the mystery of her past some dangerous secrets are revealed. Lexi’s parents where dangerous.
They could even be described as killers……..
Who am I? Lexi typed those words. She sighed. Who was she? Lexi changed the font and centered it. Who am I? Lexi asked that question to herself like she had done many times. Lexi pushed the paper explaining the assignment towards her. ‘Cover the following topics: your family, you when you where growing up, your interests and three pictures of you as you grew up.’ Lexi held her hand up and pushed her first finger down I can do my interests she thought. But growing up, no my family, no and three pictures of me! The only pictures I have are of me last summer. Lexi pushed her head into her hands and recalled her past….
Lexi’s earliest memory is of watching a man barge into their house, Lexi didn’t know who he was…….
Lexi sees the man, he stares at her. Then there is screaming. Lexi runs to her mum’s room. She trips, there is darkness. Then light. Blood, a cold metallic pool has been formed around her ankles. More screams. The six year old closes her eyes in fear. A cry, then a spiral of never ending blackness.
I can't open stardoll, everytime go to the
webpage it comes up with that stupid 'Hello doll lover....'
This better not last all night!
But on an optimistic note:
What are they updating?
Oh and also, I've forgotten how to change the font on blogger =[ Any help?? Please? Maddi?? =[
And I'm even more fustraited because I got below average on the geography end of term.
I'm very bored so expect lots of random posts =]
(Maddi if they annoy you just give me a shout my brudahh' =] )
If stardoll still wont load I may post part of a story that I wrote. Do you want it??
I have a dentist appointment tomorrow so I'm doing my homework tomorrow. (My appointment is at 10am, it takes an hour to get there. My appointment is an hour. I'll get home at lunch time, have lunch at home. And I wont bother to go to school =])
Poop =[ I hate the dentists =[
Lots of love and bored-ness,
Yazmin x x =]
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Greetings Earthlings :D
Yazmin in the building!!
I am verily gratefull to the amazing Maddi for letting me witter on in her blog =]
I'm new to blogger so it might take me a while to do amazing, fantabulus posts =]
I'm currently eating a pancake so when the pancake is demolised I will see what I can post about (Oh and if Maddi says my post is okay!)
-jumps up and down-
I've never written for a blog!!!!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Well hello there,
tis maddie. and i am writing for the FIRST TIME in my very own blog!
Donut worry, i shall be recruiting more people soon
but, this blog will be about stardoll and our (our being the writers of this blog) lifes outside of stardoll.
[which we do have] >:]
i loveth you.
~maddie (madbuster)