It wouldn't have been such a huge hit without your help :]
If you missed it, no worries, there shall be another one in August.
AND NOW, down to business:

Sara, you never cease to surprise me. I can tell that you put a lot of effort into this fantastic outfit. It suits the event perfecto. This outfit makes for the PERFECT grand entrance. And i did enjoy the cake you brought >:]

I absolutely ADORE that shirt. You found a way to express what you like without blending in. The converse were a beautiful thing to choose to complete the outfit. High fives all around.

Creative, beautiful, bright. This outfit is -taps nose- exactly what i was looking for. I LUV it from the kitty ears all the way down to the purple pumps.

Oh my gosh. Sami, this is genius. The hair? I'm a sucker for the horse tails. And that skeleton? I saw it in the shop, but had no idea how to wear it. You can either epically fail or pull it off, and babe, off you pulled it!

The skirt is awesomely put together with the black top. And i must tell you, i hate those tights on whoever wears them. Except for you, in this outfit. You just worked it, from the hot accessories to the supertastic medoll.
otter950 & fotbolti_coolOkay, so first off, showing up in the same outfit. . . not good x] For me, it was just tooooo blue and frilly and sort of expected. You girls are really both so sweet, but tonight it was not happening.

This really does nothing for me. I see the effort, but it just wasn't pulled together. Messy, sort of. I, personally would take the vest and tattoo sleeve off, and maybe have a bright yellow or blue dress instead. Kudos on the pretty medolly, though.

Ok, so i mentioned earlier that i do NOT like these tights/leggings on a lot of people. This outfit is a perfect example. The pattern on the shirt meeting with the tights makes you look bigger all around. Also, this was definatly not dressy enough.

Tuh-raaaain WRECK. It just has an all over rushed look. Sort of cheap, sort of 'notice me.' The 2 different pinks in the tights and the legwarmers do NOT go. And then the shoes are pink... again. I would advise throwing those legwarmers out the window, along with the purse and shoes. Go steal Kari's shoes, they would top this off.

Woooow. I have a feeling you forgot. But, oh well, i show no mercy >:]
Ok, so your eyes look a little spacey, and those shorts are a weee bit short to go out. The bunny slippers? Not to practical for the club, eh? x] sorry, i just HAD to do this one.
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